Virtual Sports Day 2020
Sports Day goes virtual in 2020 with House Teams Ferguson, Kissel and Barrett competing in a variety of modified events.
Every year in term 2 inschool week is dedicated to sport, with the highlight of the week being Sports Day on the last day. This year due to
COVID 19, the decision was made to cancel term 2 inschool. This lead to teachers thinking outside the square on how sports week could be
conducted across the air waves.

On Monday Sports week was officially launched by the Administrator of the Northern Territory, Her Honour the Honourable Vicki O'Halloran AO along with the Acting Minister for Education Eva Lawler.. Then the fun began . . . .
Participation with a healthy side of competition has prevailed throughout the week. Tuesday was a highlight with students participating in a marble, which also saw some healthy competition between staff.
Sports Day on Friday will include novelty races, a relay with the baton being passed between families via the computer screen, shot put
using a boot and high jump.